2014 – The Transition

My health and fitness year was all about the transitions taking place in my body.  You may recall:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Cut big toe
  • Titled pelvis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Asthma attack (recent)

and the grandmama of them all peri-menopause. LAWDAMERCY! Yet I’ve been able to recover, adapt and get moving again with the help of some great people, all of which I’m thankful and include:

Dr. Kenyatta Dean – my PCP who ignores every protestation that I have against her recommendations (ORDERS) and doesn’t allow me to use my age to be an excuse for non-compliance.

Dr. Brian D. Neerings – who diagnosed my first foot situation of the year, prescribed proper rehab, no high heels (not ready for that yet) and Superfeet insoles.  I haven’t had anymore plantar fascia nor achilles problems since using Superfeet, I highly recommend them.

The staff of Kaiser Permanente Gwinnett Comprehensive Medical Center Urgent Care – who 1)recommended an herbal supplement to ease the hot flashes (bless GOD); 2)humored me and my big toe and my paranoia; 3)took the first X-rays of my back to narrow down the pain/muscle spasm problem; 4)got me breathing again a few weeks ago during this insane asthma situation.

Mary Maloof at Atlanta Physiotherapy Associates – 20140912_154452This little bitty woman from NJ put me through the paces, I mean she had me SWEATING and would always reel me back in when I was attempting to do stuff that I wasn’t ready for as yet (jacknifes, squats and such). Thanks to her treatment and the prescribed at-home program I was able to avoid anymore dreadful painkiller side effects.


Jim HamiltonJan Stittleburg and Michele Jackson my Tai Chi and Yoga instructors – There were spaces of time during the year in which all I could do was attend their classes and or practice at home.  They really helped in keeping my mind right.

The Powered by Soul Spotlight Participants for 2014, Charles L. MasonJeffrey WoodsMichael Wilson Jr.Deandra Bryant, Edwin BoatswainKori SmithDamon E. Johnson, – your stories continue to inspire me.

YOU – yes all of you who read, share and comment. Y’all make it worthwhile for ye olde broad to keep writing 🙂

Wishing peace and love for you and yours in 2015. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!


Photo(s): MsThorns

RIP – The Turtle 1983-2014

I was cleared for take-off the end of August and had the toe situation.  I did try to run after that healed, only a quarter mile though.  My breath wasn’t labored or anything but my legs felt crazy heavy, probably because they are heavier than they were back in the spring and because I hadn’t done any running.  However when I stopped running, I felt that thing, that tingling from my butt down to the foot and the foot started going numb. I wasn’t ready to run but thought, if I lost about 10 pounds or so, I shouldn’t have any problems, you know the old self-diagnosis. I didn’t try it again though, I wanted to find out from my doctor, how I can approach running again. I had a physical in November, this is how it went down:

Me: Will I be able to run again? I haven’t attempted any running in a couple of months.

Dr: (looks at chart reads aloud) well it says you have severe arthritis between L4 and L5, moderate arthritis between L2 and L3 and degenerative disc disease.

Me: So that means…

Dr: You can run if you want to but if you do, you’ll be one of those that has to have surgery.

(cue: wailing and gnashing of teeth.)

 RIP The Turtle

I was afraid that this was the news I’d receive, given that after physical therapy and medication I’d been relieved of the pain, but it returned instantly during that last running attempt.  I was inconsolable and had already been low-key depressed about not running since July. At any rate that evening I swallowed that bitter pill with some wine and snacks and began to reminisce.

I ran my first 2.65 miles with my father in 1983 at Shady Side Park/Aqua Gardens. He left me of course because that’s what dads do, but it didn’t matter, I fell in love with running anyway.  I didn’t run much during college, only on summer breaks but after graduation into adulthood (yay/boo) I ran everywhere that I lived. Lakeshore Drive in Chicago, the streets of this little suburb called Addison IL, Audubon Park and City Park in . New Orleans the streets of Doraville Georgia and downtown Atlanta and the many fine parks of Gwinnett County where I currently live.  My first race was the Peachtree Road Race in 1995 and subsquently completed 16 of them. I ran for diabetes, alzheimers, AIDS, breast cancer, churches and various charities and I ran just for T-shirts.  One of my bucket list items was to run in all 50 states, I had 44 to go. Yet even with the bucket list and racing, those things were never front of mind because running for me was a matter of health, physical certainly, but mostly mental and most of my running was done alone.

There’s been some solitary miles spent working out problems in my head, grieving and crying and at times experiencing physical pain, but in all those years, the vast majority of the those runs were beautiful. Seeing some amazing birds, playing squirrels, rabbits, turtles frogs, deer all manner of bug and once a few years ago a snake.  I’ve seen everything bloom and die and bloom again. I’ve seen buildings demolished and new ones built and I have looked at the sky and everything around me on many mornings and thought, wow look at God. Given all that, 31 years of it, this transition has not been easy.


It’s hard sometimes to listen to my friends talk about their training and races and such, it seems that ERRRBODY is running now, but I know that everything has a season. My running season has passed and things are changing, my life, my body and everything around me is changing. I could sit on the sidelines and lament it, and for a while there I did, but now I’m entering a new season. I have no idea what it looks like, but whatever it is, you can believe I’m going for broke.

I don’t know any other way to do it.

Until next time, see you somewhere out there… where I’ll be trying something NEW.

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Photos: MsThorns