Back In Love Again

You may recall the love I have for the sporting goods store and the fretting done over the loss of Sports Authority. Well, while missing a turn I landed in the parking lot of a gigantic white box. I tuned up my nose and sucked my teeth. I knew that it was TOO BIG and could never replace my beloved SA or my back home fave Dunham’s Sports but I made note.

After a dryer situation over the weekend, I said I needed more essentials since my machine faileth me. You know what I mean, draws and socks, namely athletic socks. So I moseyed over to Big White Box, muttering I bet they don’t have what I need, I bet they’re high, I bet they suck.

I roll up and they have some sort of industrial size feeders and grills outside and I prayed, please Lord Jesus don’t let this be a giant “Huntin/Fishin/Campin” store. Well folks the Lord heard my cry because Academy Sports and Outdoors has errrrrrrrrthang.

Full disclosure: they did not have the super thick Thorlo walking socks, but they did have the regular ones and every other type of Thorlo so I was stoked. I got some socks that I’ll be doing stuff besides walking in so they got a pass. My next test was yoga mats.

The big box sports and other retailers are notorious for having one brand and one type of mat, the 3mm which is too thin for ye olde broad. Guess what? The heavens opened up and sent me a 6 mm antimicrobial yoga mat. I was ready to shout, but held on to it. There was one more test…


Since I wrote about it a while ago I stepped my gear game up. I now actually match somewhat and have a lot more color. I still buy the majority of it at Walmart.  Other stores and the online retailers have nice stuff, but those jawns are HIGH. I didn’t expect Academy to be at Walmart pricing but, they need to be way under $75 for me to be fully sold. I found some from 17.99!

I was sold.img_0832

As much as I like a package in the mail sometimes I want/need those socks, bag etc TODAY. Fortunately now my hard earned fitness dollars have found a new home at Academy Sports and Outdoors. The wait is a 10 minute drive and checkout counter away. If you have one in your town, check em out and if you don’t give some love to your local sporting goods store, they might just have exactly what you’re looking for.

Photos: MsThorns

Lamenting Authority

I’d heard a few months ago what was about to go down. I thought to myself haven’t they been there before? I didn’t Google it, didn’t want to know, didn’t want to confirm, didn’t want to believe but alas, ’tis true. I went by the spot and saw for my own eyes, Sports Authority is going out of business. I’m undone.


My love for the sporting goods store goes back over 30 years. My dad took me to our local spot, Dunham’s to buy my first pair of running shoes. I’ve been hooked ever since.

I’ve shopped specialty stores and even worked in one back in the late 80s but the all purpose sporting good store has always been best for me especially as my needs changed. I got hooked on Sports Authority  specifically because they:

  • Always had specials
  • Always had what I need
  • Weren’t so gigantic that you couldn’t get help
  • Staff was always cool
  • Locations were always convenient


I tried that huge chain that starts with D and found success all of three times. When I was looking for the super thick Thorlos, Sports Authority had them. Different thicknesses of yoga mats? Sports Authority. Reasonably priced gym bags, yeah they have those in spades. Stuff I didn’t even need but thought was cool, SA sold it to me.

Many of been shut down already, those that are not closed as yet? I won’t be going by for the “Going Out of Business Sale“, it’s just too much to bear. I have no plans of trying a big box substitute. If I need to go into a store, I’ll get that fix the next time go home. Going forward though, looks like that Prime membership is really going to get a workout.

How about you? Is there a spot in your town that you use to frequent, park, court, gym, store etc that broke your heart when it closed? Come let us grieve together in the comments, or here or here.

Until next time, see you online where I’ll be checking out my virtual cart of stuff I can’t touch until it’s delivered.

Photos: MsThorns

The National Holiday Called the Super Bowl

Sunday February 1, 2015 marks the celebration of Super Bowl XLIX (49) with the New England Patriots and the Seattle Seahawks battling (hopefully not a blowout) for the Lombardi Trophy.  Why a national holiday you ask? Because we party like it is and we sho’ nuff eat and drink like it is.  In the U.S., Super Bowl Sunday is the 2nd largest food and drink consumption day behind Thanksgiving. In fact Americans are expected to eat 11 million pounds of chips, 1.23 billion chicken wings to be chased by 325 million gallons of beer two the tune of 2400 calories per “meal” and that’s just during the game.  What happens in my household? The same thing. Did you think I would give up the chance to go for broke on a national holiday?



I love the NFL AND I love food and libations so I’ll be enjoying it on Sunday and returning to normal consumption on Monday.  I’m no killjoy either so if Super Bowl Sunday is pig out day for you, enjoy it.  For those who don’t indulge but stay true to their dietary habits, God Bless ya!


How are you celebrating the Super Bowl? Better yet what are you eatin’ and drankin’?  Let me know in the comments and feel free to send me photos of your super bowl spread on Google+ or Twitter on Sunday.  They will be posted right here.

Until next time, see you at the gym, where I will be rolling in like a teletubby but with a smile on my face 🙂

Photos: MsThorns